
Area of expertise: Embedded Software
Core Technologies: Automotive
Experience: 7 years
Time On Site: 100%
  • -Programming languages: C, C++, Assembly, Bash.
  • -Driver and kernel development.
  • -VxWorks, Zephyr, SafeRTOS, FreeRTOS, ChibiOS, MbedOs.
  • -Ethernet, USB, SPI, I2C, UART, TCP/IP, CAN BUS, BLE(5.0), PCI, Autosar.
  • -Microcontrollers: NI PXI Case, Real-Time Controller, Arm, Intel, RISC-V, PowerPC, Nxp MPC560x, 5744p, K64, K25, Nordic BLE, Cypress BLE, STM32, ESP32, MSP430.
  • -Artificial intelligence applications.